Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

The Coach Process

1. Set An Intention – Objective: To understand the power and importance of intention and for you to set an intention such as find a new job or career, or get a promotion. 2. Maintain Integrity – Objective: To learn how to live with integrity by removing incomplete actions and keeping agreements with yourself and others. It is essential that

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Why Coaching is Important

In this day and age when we have become so reactive in response to the daily needs of life, coaching is the opportunity to break free. In a coaching relationship you are in the seat of power and control and can proactively direct your life in the direction you want to go. In any area, career, relationship, health, community, when

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What is Coaching

Marcia Wider has described coaching as an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. In each meeting or call, the Coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This interaction creates clarity and moves

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Welcome from Admission


Because we understand that sometimes finances can get in the way of dreams, we have a limited number of coach training scholarships available. Applications are reviewed on a case by case basis. More >>

The Miracle of Coaching

FREE ebook! What you need to know to decide if a career as a life coach is for you.
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